Mobile Camera Obscura

June 2011: Concept: Build a low-cost mobile camera for the purpose of teaching photography and igniting curiosity on the streets of La Paz, Bolivia.

Junio ​​2011: Concepto: Construir visores ópticos con materiales de bajo costo y que se encuentran a nivel local con el fin de enseñar fotografía y despertar la curiosidad en las calles de La Paz, Bolivia.

Developed from local materials found in the markets of La Paz. This take on a pinhole camera is created by making two holes; one for the light to enter the camera, and one for the viewer to see the live image.

The distance and size of the pinhole is dependent on the size of the camera itself. A magnifying glass acts as a lens to produce a sharper image that is refracted on a white film plane within the camera. There is no film, the image is live and constantly changing.

The initial prototype was made from cardboard, however due to issues of durability, the second version was made out of wood.