Optical Viewfinders

June 2011: Concept: Build optical viewfinders with inexpensive and locally found materials for the purpose of teaching photography and igniting curiosity on the streets of La Paz, Bolivia.

Junio ​​2011: Concepto: Construir visores ópticos con materiales de bajo costo y que se encuentran a nivel local con el fin de enseñar fotografía y despertar la curiosidad en las calles de La Paz, Bolivia.

Viewfinders: A set of smaller, handheld viewfinder boxes are created out of cardboard. A slit is created with space for two sliders to move freely by the user. The sliders consist of different patterns, shapes, frame sizes, etc. to allow the user to mix-and-match their images. Inspired by the View-Master

PVC Scopes: Tiny pocket-sized mirrors are set inside of elbow-shaped PVC pipes. Low-cost periscopes are made. This changes the viewers perspective and line of vision. When connected with more pipes at different lengths and angles, the perspective is even more exaggerated.